Διάλεξη από την Prof. Sabine Breitsameter, Τρίτη 5-11-19, ώρα 12:00-14:00, ΥΚ1, κτίριο 3 Παλαιού Ψυχιατρείου (Κέρκυρα)

Δημοσίευση: 04-11-2019 12:41 | Προβολές: 1627
Σημαντική Ημερομηνία: 05-11-2019

ΤΡΙΤΗ 5/11/2019: ΔΙΑΛΕΞΗ Prof. Sabine Breitsameter

Aπό το Εργαστήριο Ηλεκτροακουστικής Μουσικής Ερευνας και Εφαρμογών [ΕΡΗΜΕΕ] ανακοινώνεται στους Διδάσκοντες και τους ερευνητές της Σχολής Μουσικής και Οπτικοακουστικών Τεχνών ότι η καθ. Sabine Breitsameter, προσκεκλημένη καθηγήτρια ERASMUS από το Πανεπιστήμιο Εφαρμοσμένων Επιστημών του Darmstadt της Γερμανίας, θα πραγματοποιήσει μια διάλεξη με θέμα Immersion and Beyond – A critical approach to understanding the aesthetic potential of 3D-audio.

ΩΡΑ 12.00-14.00, Υπολογιστικό Κέντρο I, α΄όροφος κτιρίου 3, Παλαιό Ψυχιατρείο, Κέρκυρα.

Immersion and Beyond – A critical approach to understanding the aesthetic potential of 3D-audio
Since more than seven years a group of artists and young researchers at Darmstadt UAS/University of Applied Sciences directed by Sabine Breitsameter has been working within the reals of 3D audio. Since then, numerous productions were generated there, by students as well as by accomplished artists, a number of them award winning, gaining international recognition. Astonishingly, 3D audio is currently dominated by a technological discourse. However, it is its aesthetic potential which is worth to be discussed and tried out. At the same time, defining 3D audio’s place just within the framework of so-called immersiveness, is, too, a very limited concept. Sabine Breitsameter will introduce us to the approach towards 3D audio as researched in theory and practice at Darmstadt’s SEM-Lab.

Sabine Breitsameter has been researching and teaching at Darmstadt UAS/University of Applied Sciences in Germany since 2006 as a professor for Sound and Media Culture. She is founder and head of the Master’s program International Media Cultural work (since 2016), and co-founded, too, the Master’s program Soundstudies (in 2006) at the University of the Arts in Berlin during her time as a guest professor for experimental audiomedia. From the mid-1980s on Sabine worked as an author, dramaturge and director of experimental radio and Hoerspiel within the cultural programs of ARD (the German public radio and tv system), as an artistic and scholarly director she organized numerous huge conferences, festivals, concerts and exhibitions (e.g. at ZKM Karlsruhe, Documenta Kassel, Academy of Arts/Berlin, B3 Biennale Frankfurt). She is Vice-Spokeswoman of the Research Center DKMI/Digital Communication and Media, Director of Artistic Research and Media Aesthetic Practice and Vice-Spokeswoman at the IKUM/Institute of Communication of Media, both institutions are situated at Darmstadt UAS.

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