
Hellenic Music Research Lab

The Hellenic Music Research Lab was founded in 2000 for the study of history, aesthetics, theory, analysis, and the promotion of Hellenic Music (ancient, medieval and contemporary) with a special emphasis on its scholarly forms.

One of the aims of the research staff is to collect bibliographical and recorded material which is researched and catalogued. Other aims include the organization of conferences, publications, recordings and concerts. The Lab has its own library, recording collections, archives and necessary technical equipment. It is funded from donations, research programs and commissioned projects, dissemination and independent productions.

The Director of the Hellenic Music Research Lab is Dr. Haris Xanthoudakis, Professor of the Department and Vice Rector of the University. Other members of the Lab include Dr. A. Siopsi, Associate Professor, Dr. P. Vlagkopoulos, Lecturer, K. Kardamis, member of the teaching staff, and graduate students, as well as two specialized external members.

To this date, the following projects have been completed:
i) eleven research projects leading to doctorate degrees ii) a research program funded by E.E.C (Heraclitus), iii) a research program commissioned by the Greek Parliament Foundation (January 2005), iv) publication of the book Nikolaos Halikiopoulos Mantzaros: a research contribution 130 years after the composer’s death (Corfu 2003, in Greek), and v) extensive participation in the project Instead of a Dream: Works by Greek Composers 19th-20th century (12 cds and a book) for the Cultural Olympiad 2004.

Tel.: 30 26610 87731/87537

Hellenic Academic Music Libraries Cooperative Scheme (HAMLIB)

Lab for Electroacoustic Music Research and Applications

The Lab for Electroacoustic Music Research and Applications was founded in 2003. EPHMEE 's objective is to carry out research and to produce original work in the field of sonic art.

EPHMEE 's activities focus mainly on:

  • promoting research in its field at national, European and international level
  • producing teaching tools and methods for a variety of specialized fields
  • carrying out educational work in the Music Department as well as the other Departments of the Ionian University at undergraduate and graduate level
  • producing original works using innovative electronic technology techniques
  • organizing, planning and offering technical support in electroacoustic music concert settings
  • disseminating knowledge to the Greek and international academic and artistic community as well as the wider public.

The Director of the Lab is Mr. Andreas Mniestris, Assistant Professor. Members of EPHMEE are Dr. Theodoros Lotis, Mr. Dionyssis Batzakis, members of the Specialized Technical Laboratory Staff, and graduate students.

EΜRAL has already organized numerous concerts of electroacoustic music and computer music conferences, has set up databases with electroacoustic works by Greek composers, and has produced recordings. Since May 2005 EPHMEE is the coordinator of the research programme “Research and Record of Greek Soundscapes”.

Vasso Kavadia
Tel. 30-26610-87535, Fax: 30-26610-87572

Early Music Lab

The Early Music Lab was founded in 2004. The study of Medieval, Renaissance and Baroque music is carried out through the following activities:

  • musicological study and performance of unknown works from the aforementioned eras,
  • promotion of research in the field of historically documented performance,
  • the translation and publication of early music manuals,
  • the organization, research and technical support of early music concerts and recordings,
  • the organization of conferences, seminars, lectures and publications of research findings in printed and electronic form.

The Director of the Early Music Lab is Dr. M. Lech-Kalavrytinou, Associate Professor. Other members of the Lab are Dr. M. Caldi, Associate Professor, Dr. K. Michopoulou and Dr. A. Georgotas, Assistant Professors, G. Toulis, Lecturer and Sp. Gikondis.

Tel.: 30-26610-87502

Updated: 02-11-2022
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