Announcement: " Postponement of Erasmus+ Incoming and Outgoing Mobilities - students and staff- for Spring Semester 2020-21 due to COVID-19"
Posted: 12-02-2021 11:32 | Views: 20343
Start: 12-02-2021 |End: 12-05-2021
Postponement of Erasmus+ Incoming and Outgoing Mobilities - students and staff- for Spring Semester 2020-21 due to COVID-19
" Postponement of Erasmus+Mobilities scheduled for the Winter Semester 2020-21"
Posted: 24-07-2020 14:43 | Views: 18515
The Academic Senate of Ionian University (Corfu, Greece)  has made the difficult decision to postpone all incoming and outgoing mobilities scheduled for the Winter Semester of the academic year 2020-2021 to the next Spring Semester or the next academic year, due to COVID-19. We believe this decision is in the best interest of the students given the current circumstances, and truly hope that (...)
Announcement on COVID-19 for Erasmus+ incoming students and staff in Ionian University
Posted: 13-03-2020 22:01 | Views: 18962
Following the recent developments on COVID-19 current outbreak, we would like to inform you that for the moment no cases have been confirmed inside the academic community of Ionian University. However, Ionian University is undertaking specific preventative measures based on the Ministerial decisions issued on the temporary closure of all schools and universities in the country.
The Conservatory "A. Pedrollo" in Vicenza has opened a Call for Erasmus+ Student Traineeships
Posted: 22-07-2019 10:09 | Views: 2261
Start: 22-07-2019 |End: 30-09-2019
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The Conservatory "A. Pedrollo" in Vicenza has opened a Call for Erasmus+ Student Traineeships for the 2019-20 Fall semester (October - February) for the following positions: Erasmus+ Student Traineeship for - Pianist accompaniment - Harpsichord accompaniment - other Classical and Early Music instruments
New website for International & Public Relations Department
Posted: 02-07-2019 13:50 | Views: 21018
International & Public Relations Department of the Ionian University has new and modern website. In the sections of the new website one can find information on public and international relations and information on the Erasmus program and internships.
Royal Conservatoire, The Hague: Erasmus 2018-2019 Online student application procedure
Posted: 07-02-2018 14:38 | Views: 3096
Important Date: 01-03-2018
We inform you of the new application procedure for students who wish to apply to the Royal Conservatoire, The Hague for an Erasmus exchange period during the 2018-2019 academic year. Please note that as of 2018, the Royal Conservatoire only considers Erasmus student applications as submitted online via the AEC online application system EASY.
Erasmus 2018-2019 Student application procedure at the Fryderyk Chopin University of Music
Posted: 07-02-2018 14:27 | Views: 2792
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    Student application form
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Applications for Erasmus students at the Fryderyk Chopin University of Music are now open! Deadline for academic year 2018/2019: 15th of April 2018.
Anton Bruckner Private University: Erasmus+ [2016-2017]
Posted: 10-03-2016 12:35 | Views: 3350
Important Date: 01-04-2016
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    Αcademic year structure (2016-17)
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    Attached File 1
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Anton Bruckner Private University (ABPU) is now accepting incoming Erasmus+ applications from students wishing to study with us during 2016/17.Please note that the deadline of April 1st, 2016 applies to all terms/semesters.
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