Nicolaos Halikiopoulos Mantzaros (1795-1872)
Early works for Voice and Orchestra Α': (1815-1827)
Roza Poulimenou (soprano), Marina Fideli (contralto) John Christopoulos (tenor) Aris Argyris (baritone), University Orchestra of Music Dept., Conductor: Miltos Logiades
Albinoni, Telemann and Purcell
Socrates Anthis and the Affetti Musicali Ensemble (2003)
Ionian Jazz Ensemble
Demos Dimitriadis, Yorgos Kontrafouris and the Ionian Univeristy Jazz Ensemble, performing students’ compositions – a
co-production of the Ionian University Department of Music Studies with the magazine Jazz & Τζαζ (2003).
Four Generations of Electronic Music
Electronic music by Michalis Adamis, Haris Xanthoudakis, Andreas Mniestris, Minas Emmanouel, Apostolis Loufopoulos and Kostas Karathanassis (2002).
Electronic Music for violin and viola
Spyros Gikontis (violin), Andreas Georgotas (viola)
A co-production of the Department of Music Studies with Turangalia recor
Franciscos Leondaritis, Choral Works
“Aller mi fault sur la verdure” mass with intercaleted motets.
The Department’s Vocal Ensemble under the direction of Miranda Kaldi (2001).
G.A. Papaioannou, 24 Preludes for piano
Spyros Tselentis at the composer’s piano (2000) - work premiere
Department of Music Studies Concerts
An anthology of the Department of Music Studies Concerts including the work premiere of Latin Mass by Yannis Christou (the composer’s arrangement) (1999).