
The Departmental Library houses collections that cover the fields of music, musicology and related fields of specialization such as philology, aesthetics, linguistics, semiotics, acoustics, psychology, paedagogics. It comprises 3,900 music scores, 8,700 book titles, 2,600 vinyl and CD recordings, 70 video films, 70 DVD’s and 70 journals and periodicals (archival or current).

The Library’s general collection also includes important collections such as: the music library of G.A. Papaioannou (1910-1989) comprising rare music scores and books on music history nad theory, donations by Haris Xanthoudakis, G. Sicilianou, Kendavrou-Economides, Gaytanos, Atheneaum Conservatory, Kombotheklas, Lilian Voudouris Music Library as well as the Archives of Rombotis and Kapsomenos.

The Library offers access to vast information resources through electronic subscriptions and on line magazines and publications by Cambridge University Press, Oxford University Press, Blackwell, Taylor & Francis, etc. These collections are complemented by those held in the other departmental libraries.

Christos Koulouridis - Tel.: 30-26610-87515

Updated: 24-01-2017
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