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The Department of Music Studies was established in Corfu in October 1992. It has a dynamic five year programme of studies covering five different areas of Music Theory and Practice:

  • Theory and Composition
  • Instrumental Performance, Vocal Performance and Conducting
  • Music Technology
  • Music Education
  • Music Science, Historical Musicology, and Ethnomusicology

Special Characteristics
The Department of Music is unique in that it offers a full programme of study in areas of performance and research which are rare in Greece. These are in Early Music, Orchestral Conducting, Choral Conducting, Organ, Jazz, Electroacouctic Music and Music Therapy.

It is also, currently, the only Music Department in Greece with a comprehensive programme of study and the infrastructure of a Music Academy at both undergraduate and graduate level.

The European Credit Transfer System (ECTS) to which the Department adheres, allows students to move between major music institutions in Europe freely. The degrees awarded by the department are considered equivalent to those awarded by European and American Institutions, Conservatories, Music Academies and University Music Departments.

Updated: 20-09-2023
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