Posted: 11-06-2018 11:44 | Views: 2543
Start: 11-06-2018 |End: 15-07-2018

We invite you to participate in the Dresden Masterclasses Music from 17 until 22 september 2018 for free.

We offer a special DAAD scholarship to participate in the following master classes free of charge (in addition to the refund of travel expanses and accommodation costs).

Please find the participation conditions and the application form on our website

Application deadline: 15 july 2018.

Dresden University of Music Carl Maria von Weber
Dresden Masterclasses Music/International Alumni Academy
17 to 22 September 2018
Patron: Christian Thielemann, Principal Conductor of the SächsischeStaatskapelle Dresden

Master classes
Viola: Pauline Sachse
Piano: ArkadiZenzipér
Clarinet: Emma Johnson
Trumpet: SergejNakariakov
Voice: Prof. Britta Schwarz
Composition: Mark Andre
Improvisation: Günter Baby Sommer

Accompanying program
Physioprophylaxis for Musicians
Gyrokinesis with YevgenBondarenko
Hatha-Yoga with Ralf-Ulrich Mayer

Music Physiology
Performance anxiety: Physiological and psychological mechanisms -Coping strategies for musicians.
Lecture with Hans-Christian Jabusch
Fake Sounds - how the listening brain is inventing perception Coping strategies for musicians.
Lecture with Marc Bangert

further offers
Guided tour Old Masters Picture Gallery with Harald Marx
Suburban-line-concert with participants of the master classes

Veranstaltungen und Konzerte
17.09.18 Montag 19:30, Konzertsaal der Hochschule für Musik
Opening Event
18.09.18 Dienstag 19:30, Dachgalerie der HochschulefürMusik, Wettiner Platz13
Red Lounge: What comes next after a music degree?
Lounge Talk on career development
21.09.18 Freitag 16:00, Konzertsaal der HochschulefürMusik
Enrolment ceremony for students in their first semester at the University of Music with performences of participants of the master classes
22.09.18 Samstag 19:30, Konzertsaal der HochschulefürMusik
Final concert with participants of the master classes


Further information and online apllication: www.hfmdd.de/dmm

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