Updated: 2-05-2010 (seminar program addition)
Updated: 19-04-2010 (submission deadline 30/04/2010)
In the context of its Summer Academy, the Department of Music of the Ionian University offers for the summer of 2010 (11-17 July) a weeklong course for Music Teachers of Primary and Secondary Education, for educators of different specialties with basic knowledge and interest in music and for university music students. The subject of the course is “Acoustic Ecology and Music Education”, a subject especially relevant considering the challenges faced today by the Greek music educators in public schools• challenges which to a great extend are shared by music educators around the western world.
Enrollment Information: The participation fee for the course is 300 Euros for professionals, 230 Euros for students from universities other than the Ionian University and also 230 Euros for alumni of the Department of Music Studies of the Ionian University.
Please complete the Application Form for the Seminar “Acoustic Ecology and Music Education” no later than April 30, 2010 and send it electronically to the address: lena@ionio.gr or mail it to: Department of Music Studies Ionian University (c/o Lena Kokkinomilioti)
Old Fortress, Corfu 49100
For questions you may contact Lena Kokkinomilioti at the email address: elekokkin@yahoo.gr , Eleni Filippou at: lena@ionio.gr
, Ioanna Etmektsoglou at e_ioanna@yahoo.gr
or call 0030-6977231556 or 0030-2661045094 (Lena Kokkinomilioti)
The attached zipped folder contains: the application form, the description and the program of the seminar.