Department of Music Studies: International Conference of the World Forum for Acoustic Ecology 2011

Posted: 01-10-2011 15:29 | Views: 4559
Start: 03-10-2011 |End: 07-10-2011
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Update: 23-09-2011 (Conference Program)

Update: 26-05-2011 (Submission deadline: May 15 2011 June 15 2011)

International Conference of Acoustic Ecology 2011 "WFAE2011 - Crossing Listening Paths".

Conference's Official Website: New window

Conference Program: New window

The papers of those who would like to participate have to be submitted by May 15, 2011 June 15, 2011 as an email attachment to

The participants whose papers will be chosen for presentation will be notified by July 15, 2011.

Place: Department of Music Studies of the Ionian University, Corfu

Date: 03/10/2011 - 07/10/2011

Official Language: English

Accomodation: The Organizing Committee has secured special prices for the conference participants in several hotels in Corfu town and its suburbs. In the page Accommodation of the conference site you may find a number of options.

A small number of volunteers from the local Corfiot community have offered to host conference participants who cannot afford paying a hotel. Please let us know if you’d wish to be considered for such a possibility. We cannot guarantee that there would be enough spaces, but we will make a list based on the date of application. If you’d like to be placed on the list please send an email to both of the following addresses: and

Important Dates:

- Deadline extention for Early Registration: July 25 2011

-Notification for Accepted Proposals: July 20 2011

Submissions for the Soundscape Journal
We would like to remind you that the deadline for submission for the upcoming issue of the Soundscape Journal is: July 15, 2011. The submissions should be in FULL FORM. See:

For further information please contact:

The attached file contains the Call for Scientific and Artistic Contributions and the Announcements of the Conference

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