Summer Music Academy 2011 - Monody - Melos Brass

Posted: 04-07-2011 14:45 | Views: 5534
Start: 11-07-2011 |End: 03-08-2011
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Updated: 16-06-2011 (Change of information related to the conductor of the orchestra)

Corfu, 18-24 July 2011

W. A. Mozart: Opera Worskshop

Nikolaos Tsouchlos: Conductor
Eugenia Arsenis: Opera Director
Rosalinda Poulimenou: Soprano
Dimitris Yakas: Piano

Participation Fees: 280 Euro
Auditions: 20 June 2011

Melos Brass
30 July - 3 August 2011

Artistic Direction: MELOS BRASS
Organised by:

Sokratis Anthis: trumpet
Panayotis Kessaris: trumpet
Antonis Lagos: french horn
Spyros Farounghias: trombone
Sakis Mironis: tuba

MELOS BRASS quintet, in cooperation with the Municipality of Corfu and the Department of Music of the Ionian University, organises the 9th Ionian Summer Music Academy on Corfu, which is going to take place in late July until early August 2011 at the Ionian University.

This year's guests are the internationally acknowledged soloists and professors: Frits Damrow, Gregory Jones (trumpet), Erik Ruske (fr. horn), Håkan Björkman (trombone), Roland Szentpali (tuba).

Participation fee
The participation fee for all the activities of the Academy is 250 Euros payable to the Secretariat of the Academy on the first day of the seminars.

Application Form
Please, send the application form by e-mail:

The closing date for applications is 15th of June, 2011. If there are available places after the closing date, then applicants will be taken in order of application.

The cost for housing in double rooms in the University residence is 10 €, per person per night. There is also an agreement with ARION Hotel. The tel. number of the Hotel is: +302661038905-37950-27294 (bookings under personal communication of the participant with the hotel).

For more information, please communicate with Mrs Aggeliki Poulimenou, tel: 0030 694 69 59 242, e-mail:

The attached folder contains: the Monody's description and application form (sa_description_singing_gr_11_v4.doc, sa_application_singing_gr_11_v2.doc, content in greek), and the Melos Brass description and application form (sa_description_melosbrass_en_11_v1.doc, sa_application_melosbrass_en_11_v1.doc)

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