Erasmus Story Competition 2012

Posted: 14-03-2012 16:07 | Views: 1815
Start: 14-03-2012 |End: 06-04-2012

General Description
In 2012 the Erasmus Programme will celebrate its "silver" anniversary with 25 years of existence. The anniversary year should be the occasion to reflect on the past and demonstrate the wide spread impact the programme has had, not only on individuals but also at the institutional and systems level.

In the framework of the celebrations, the State Scholarships Foundation, Hellenic National Agency for the Lifelong Learning Programme, and ESN Greece (Erasmus Student Network), are happy to announce a contest entitled "A story from my exchange period, through the Erasmus programme". Contestants are invited to submit a short story (600-900 words), in English or Greek, on the abovementioned topic. Contestants may enhance their story with, up to two (2), relevant photos.

Four (4) contestants whose stories will be selected by the National Agency and ESN Greece as the most representative of the Erasmus programme spirit, will participate in a round table discussion, on the changes that the Erasmus programme has brought to their lives. The discussion will take place in Athens on the 18th of May 2012 during an anniversary meeting for the 25th anniversary of the Erasmus programme. The organizers will cover all travel expenses of the competitionʼs winners (economy class) and accommodation expenses for one night.

DEADLINE for applications : 06/04/2012.

pdf ESN Erasmus Story Competition

pdf Participation call (Content in Greek)

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