Το The National and Kapodistrian University of Athens in collaboration with the Department of Audio and Visual Arts of the Ionian University organizes a School of seminar courses under the “Kostis Palamas” program, for the promotion, dissemination and development of the Greek culture and tourism, through the study of communication in their broadest sense. The overall project aims to provide knowledge and skills on communication and the Greek culture, and additionally to cultivate a critical perception on the researches on communication studies in the broader context of culture and education. The program is addressed to teachers and adults working in the sectors of tourism, culture and journalism, as well as to those interested in the aforementioned fields, envisioning to advertise and promote the national cultural product.
Symposium/School of “Art and Communication” Schedule (in Greek)
Symposium/School of “Art and Communication” Poster (in Greek)
Symposium/School of “Art and Communication” Press Release (in Greek)
- The School, organized under the “Kostis Palamas” program, will be held in Corfu, May 29-31 2015, in cooperation with the 9th Festival of Audiovisual Arts of the Department of Audio and Visual Arts, Ionian University, and is dedicated to the theme of “Art and Communication”.
- Free participation in the seminars requires a consistent presence of the trainees and their active participation in the discussions that will take place.
- Venue: Auditorium 1, Department of History, 72 I.Theotokis st, 49100, Corfu.
PRESENTATIONS OPEN TO THE PUBLIC: Friday, 29/05/2015 17:00-19:30 17:00 Registration 17:30-17:45 Welcoming greeting:
Stelios Papathanasopoulos, Professor, Department of Communication and Media Studies, University of Athens.
Yannis Zannos, Professor, Department of Audio and Visual Studies, Ionian University.
Andreas Floros, Head of the Department of Audio and Visual Arts, Ionian University.
Dimitris Varoutas, Assistant Professor, Department of Informatics and Telecommunications, University of Athens.17:45 Main Session Opening -Chair:
Andreas Giannakoulopoulos, Assistant Professor, Department of Audio and Visual Arts, Ionian University.17:50-18:10 Dialogue and Creation in the Shadow Theater
Ilias Bourgoutzis, Teacher- History Researcher18:10-18:30 Traditional Songs and Games as a means of Communication
Zoi Dionysiou, Assistant Professor, Department of Music Studies, Ionian University.18:30-18:50 Theater’s Timelessness
Anna Mavroleon, Teaching assistant, Department of Theater Studies, University of Peloponnese.18:50-19:10 Discovering Narrative in Painting
Marina Papasotiriou, Head of the National Gallery Annex in Corfu.19:10-19:30 Communicating Art
Evangelia Diamantopoulou, Lecturer, Faculty of Communication and Media Studies, University of Athens.
Lecturing: Dr. Dalila Honorato, Dr. Evangelia Diamantopoulou, Dr. Anna Mavroleon and Dr. Yannis Deliyannis.
- Theater and Communication: Saturday 30/05/2015, 09:00-14:00
Lecturer: Anna Mavroleon
Since the ancient times, the art of theater has been a way to “teach” political ethos. Dialogue (dia-logos), being an essential element of both theater and Democracy, reveals a communication channel between the stage and the stalls. Theater as “public” space reflects, in the semiology of its art, the era and the society of the time, conversing with the contemporary man in a time when information overwhelms his life creating a new social environment, while also feeding back the contemporary art of the theater. - Art and Communication, Saturday 30/05/2015, 15:00-20:00
Lecturer: Evangelia Diamantopoulou
Art has not only been an integral part of our global culture in its historical course over the centuries, but it also consists a main channel of communication, since its various elements provide us the expressive means of representing experiences, ideas and emotions. In this context, one can trace art’s communicative aspect in matters relating to: a) the expressive and functional needs of artistic creation, b) society, aesthetics, ideology, politics and economy, c) cultural identity. This communicative and mediating role of visual expression, among others, can be traced through the exploration of the major artistic eras and through the reading of those works having emerged as reference points during the history of art. - Aesthetics and Communication Media: Sunday 31/05/2015 09:00-14:00
Lecturer: Dalila Honorato
The purpose of this seminar course is to provide an understanding of the technological evolution of the communication media and their influence on culture. Themes to be examined are the impact of media on human communication, the relations among different contemporary means of communication (from the optical telegraph to the Internet) and their historical framing. - Art, Technology and Applications, Sunday 31/05/2015 15:00-20:00
Lecturer: Yiannis Deliyiannis
Technology and technique are two elements inextricably linked with art, not only in this present age, but also if we view this relationship as part of a long historical course, from prehistory till our days. Meanwhile, the emergence of new interactive technologies becomes associated with a new question; that of the sometimes problematic but always sought definition of their relation with the arts. This seminar course aims to present the process of implementing contemporary audiovisual artistic experimentations that trace a consistent relationship between the audio and visual form, by utilizing not only analog or digital media but also the digital interactive art and electronic music.
- Theater and Communication: Saturday 30/05/2015, 09:00-14:00
- After the completion of these intense courses, the trainees will receive a certificate of attendance from the University of Athens. To apply for participation please refer to:
- Detailed information on the “Kostis Palamas” project: