2nd IASJ Jazz Education Conference 2010

Posted: 22-10-2010 00:11 | Views: 5032
Start: 21-10-2010 |End: 24-10-2010
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https://www.ionio.gr/~jazzconf New window

"Teaching Improvisation - A Bridge over Classical and Jazz Studies"

21-24 October 2010

Location: Corfu, Greece

Organized by:

Ionian University, Department of Music Studies (http://www.music.ionio.gr/en New window)

International Association of Schools of Jazz (IASJ, http://www.iasj.com New window)

Greek Society for Music Education (http://www.eeme.gr New window).

The 2nd 2010 IASJ Conference will be a meeting point for musicians, educators and scholars interested in the art of musical improvisation in both jazz and classical music. The focus will be on recent developments in teaching improvisation in both genres as well as in programs that teach improvisation outside of strict stylistic boundaries.


Our principal keynote speaker will be Mr. Gunther Schuller, a world-renowned musician, composer, conductor, educator, academic, scholar and writer well known also for his pioneering work in connecting 20th century classical music with jazz through numerous compositions, reviving, restoring and performing historical jazz works from Scott Joplin to Charles Mingus, recording with Miles Davis on “Birth of The Cool” and establishing the Jazz and Third Stream departments at the New England Conservatory as early as 1969. His view on the role of improvisation in contemporary musical education will be the starting point of the conference.

Our second keynote speaker will be Mr. Theodore Antoniou, one of the most eminent and prolific contemporary composers, also a conductor, a professor of composition at Boston University and an active performer of new music. Mr. Antoniou holds the position of president of the National Greek Composers' Association.


New abstract submission deadline: July 10th 2010

Complete paper submission for publication deadline: Sep 1st 2010

Email address: jazzconf@ionio.gr

The attached file contains the Call for Papers, the Suggested Topics, the Keynote Speakers, Dates and Notes and the poster for the Jazz Education Conference 2010.

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