Corfu Festival Ionian Concerts 2010

Posted: 10-07-2010 11:01 | Views: 4410
Start: 05-06-2010 |End: 08-08-2010
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The Corfu Festival "Ionian Concerts 2010" will take place from June 5th to August 8th in various places on the island.

The attached pdf file contains the full program with the detailed descriptions in Greek and in English of the concerts of the Corfu Festival Ionian Concerts 2010

One of the finest festival organization in Greece, the “Ionian Concerts 2010”, do begin this year in June 2010, its sixth year of successful series, with concerts that include choral and brass music, piano, strings, jazz and the traditional ensembles from Corfu.

In within the global worries of a major financial crisis this International Festival of Corfu, a non profit organization sponsored by the local Corfiat Prefecture, the Municipality of Corfu and the Ionian University, manages to maintain its character and can provide some relief from a constant melancholy that seems to have occupied many people around the world.

Through the greater virtuosity of artists such as Hideyo Harada (pianist) or Vasile Beluska (violin) through the philharmonic bands of Corfu and the young artists week; through JD Walter ( Jazz singer) ,  the soft sound of the Melos Brass Ensemble, Children Choirs of Thessaloniki and  the Traditional Choir Ensembles of Corfu the “Ionian Concerts 2010” can change our summer: music which interferes into everyday’s life, can inspire us to overcome the sorrow of hardship and escape from the anxieties of late night news…

Corfu offers the ideal environment for music –meditation- meeting; concerts at 9 o’clock at the Ionian Academy or else in the historical center where well hidden secrets wait to be revealed by the mystic listener.

This year the International Festival of Corfu, the “Ionian Concerts 2010” do carry a message of optimism by surviving culture at its best.

A message of humanism and higher aesthetics that could make us smile, at least for a few moments under the breeze of Corfiat wonders through June, July and August 2010.

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