Announcement: " Postponement of Erasmus+ Incoming and Outgoing Mobilities - students and staff- for Spring Semester 2020-21 due to COVID-19"

Posted: 12-02-2021 11:32 | Views: 20346
Start: 12-02-2021 |End: 12-05-2021

Ionian University’s (I.U.) Senate, during its 16th Meeting that took place on the 3rd of February 2021, after taking into account:

  • I.U.’s Erasmus Committee Decision, dated 1st of February 2021
  • the current state of emergency at national and European level, in order to deal with the pandemic and limit the spread of coronavirus
  • the fact that the protection of health and safety of all Erasmus participants and members of I.U.’s academic community is of high priority
  • the fact that it is of high importance to adequately inform all participants about the mode of teaching for all Erasmus mobilities for Spring Semester of the academic year 2020-21

has decided the following:

Incoming Students:

Ionian University will not accept the physical presence of incoming students in the framework of the Erasmus programme during the Spring Semester of the academic year 2020-21. 

Regarding all incoming students that have already been accepted, virtual mobility is allowed from their Home Country, always in agreement with the respective academic department of I.U.

Outgoing students:

Regarding all students that have departed and are already abroad in the framework of their Erasmus mobility, it is strongly recommended to return immediately to Greece and to remotely continue the courses of their Host University, if such an option is available.

In case these students decide NOT to return, they remain in the Host Country at their own risk. In case they return to Greece, they will receive the full amount of the approved grant according to IKY’s (National Agency) guidelines, as it has been communicated to I.U.’s Department of International and Public Relations.

Regarding the students that have not departed yet, their mobility to the Host Country is not permitted. For these students, it is possible to carry out a virtual mobility from Greece if such an option is given by the Host Institution.

If there is not such an option or if they do not wish to do so, their Erasmus mobility is cancelled for the current semester.  They have the possibility to participate in the current open Call for 2021-22 or in the next one. These students may continue their studies in their respective departments in I.U. for Spring Semester and they should proceed immediately with the selection of their courses.

Students that have already submitted a formal declaration to the Erasmus office in order to receive their Grant Agreement and have already started the departure process, but their mobility with physical presence has been cancelled- while they have already paid some costs (tickets, housing, insurance) - will be fully reimbursed for real costs that have already made, based on the relevant guidelines from the National Agency. The Erasmus Office will inform all participants for their reimbursement process.

The Grant Agreement for the students that continue their virtual mobility from Greece, will be changed to zero, by inserting an addendum. In order to get their academic results recognized and to be added to  the total credits towards their degree, they should send to the Erasmus Office their correspondence with the Host Institution, their Enrollment certificate, their signed Learning Agreement and their Transcript of Records, after taking all their exams at the Host Institutions. The submission of an EU Survey (Final Report) for virtual mobilities is necessary according to the Grant Agreement’s provisions.

Staff :

Mobilities with physical presence, concerning Incoming and Outgoing staff (teaching & training), scheduled for Spring Semester 2020-21, are postponed. Only virtual mobility is permitted, while based in their Home Country if such an option is provided by the Host Institution.


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