Daniel Lommel: Music and Dance Performance

Posted: 03-11-2011 14:04 | Views: 5273
Start: 04-11-2011 |End: 05-11-2011
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The Music Department of Ionian University in collaboration with the group "AENAON Dance Theater" by Daniel Lommel organizes a great music and dance performance at the Municipal Theatre, on Saturday, November 5 (9 pm).

The first part will consist of the choreography 'M. as ... ', music by Dimitri Mitropoulos and Gustav Mahler, choreography by Daniel Lommel.

The choreography will be presented for the first time in its complete form and with the live performance of the 14 Invenzioni by Mitropoulos, played by Angeliki Kathariou and Theodore Tzovanakis.

In the second part Daniel Lommel will present, for the first time in Greek public, the choreography «Boléro», music by Maurice Ravel, whose world premiere in France last August was a great success.

On the occasion of the show, the Music Department organizes the day before at the Ionian Academy (Friday, 4 November, 7.30 pm) an exhibition of photographs, documents and video with the life and work of the renowned dancer and choreographer Daniel Lommel, who was a close associate of Maurice Béjart and co-director in "Ballet of the 20th century".

The honored Danniel Lommel will attend the event and give a speech. The Ionian University and the Music Department would like to thank the City Council and the Corfu Mayor personally for courtesy of the Municipal Theatre and the staff of the municipality as well who helped carrying out this important event.

The attached file contains the poster of the event

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