"Wind Orchestras in Cyprus and Greece: Reality and Prospects"

Posted: 03-02-2016 12:19 | Views: 1941
Important Date: 10-02-2016
    Call for Papers
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Since the middle of the 19th century, wind orchestras in Cyprus and Greece constitute an important chapter of national history, culture and society. Hundreds of active wind bands exist in cities, towns and villages. Their role is multi-dimensional (educational, social and musical) and, therefore, of great importance.

The Conference aims to contribute towards the historic documentation of their activity, address the aspects that define their function and operation, and provide a forum for the exchange of ideas that will contribute towards the continuation and advancement of their activities and role.

The Conference will be held at the European University Cyprus in Nicosia on the 6th, 7th and 8th of May 2016. Conductors, music educators and researchers are invited to attend the Conference and submit their applications for a wide range of presentations.

Abstracts for 20-minute presentations should have a length of up to 250 words, while proposals for 90 minute round-table discussions with three speakers should not exceed 450 words. Applications for performing groups for the Conference’s musical program are also accepted. The official language of the Conference is Greek. Nevertheless, submissions in English are also accepted. Provisions for poster presentations are also provided.

All submissions should be send to bandconference2016@euc.ac.cy.

For further questions please call (+357) 22-713239.

The deadline for the submission of all abstracts is February 10th, 2016.

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