General Events
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Department of Music Studies: Masterclasses by Ineke, Guilfoyle, Stanik, Dimitriadis [12-15/4/16]
Posted: 08-04-2016 13:43 | Updated: 11-04-2016 12:26 | Views: 4569
Start: 12-04-2016 |End: 15-04-2016
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Music contest "The Music of the Centuries"
Posted: 07-04-2016 19:35 | Views: 1791
Important Date: 07-04-2016
Department of Music Studies: Music Education Seminar and parallel events
Posted: 01-04-2016 13:28 | Views: 4317
Start: 08-04-2016 |End: 09-04-2016
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Department of Music Studies: Gershwin and Porter - The Greatest Melodies [26/3/2016]
Posted: 24-03-2016 11:34 | Views: 4699
Important Date: 26-03-2016
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Department of Music Studies: Song Concert [Ionian Academy, 17/3/16]
Posted: 16-03-2016 11:59 | Views: 3687
Important Date: 17-03-2016
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Department of Music Studies: 7th Choir Conducting Summer Academy [1-7/7/16]
Posted: 29-02-2016 12:50 | Updated: 15-03-2016 17:48 | Views: 6268
Start: 01-07-2016 |End: 07-07-2016
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Lectures and Laboratories by Zoe Dionyssiou at Vienna
Posted: 11-03-2016 11:30 | Views: 2232
Start: 15-03-2016 |End: 17-03-2016
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International Choir Festival and Competition in Corfu
Posted: 19-02-2016 14:33 | Updated: 08-03-2016 16:10 | Views: 11587
Start: 12-10-2016 |End: 16-10-2016
"Val Tidone" Competition
Posted: 07-03-2016 17:54 | Views: 1694
Important Date: 31-05-2016
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Department of Music Studies: Mozart Opera [11/03/16]
Posted: 07-03-2016 14:43 | Views: 4118
Important Date: 11-03-2016
Flute Masterclass by Michael Faust
Posted: 02-03-2016 16:52 | Views: 5760
Start: 07-03-2016 |End: 09-03-2016
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Echoes Project [9/3/16]
Posted: 02-03-2016 14:05 | Views: 1640
Important Date: 09-03-2016
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Musical Performance [17-18/3/16]
Posted: 02-03-2016 13:52 | Views: 1556
Start: 17-03-2016 |End: 18-03-2016
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4th Piano Contest
Posted: 02-03-2016 13:22 | Views: 1492
Start: 20-05-2016 |End: 22-05-2016
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2nd Musicological Conference "Music and Politics"
Posted: 01-03-2016 17:44 | Views: 1628
Important Date: 01-03-2016
Department of Music Studies:Jazz Seminars and Concerts 2016
Posted: 01-03-2016 12:10 | Views: 6038
Start: 11-01-2016 |End: 20-04-2016
The Department of Music Studies presents Jazz Seminars and Concerts 2016.
R. Ascott, Stelarc & M. Danezis: keynote speakers at the Ionian University Conference
Posted: 25-02-2016 18:36 | Updated: 28-02-2016 19:37 | Views: 13015
Start: 20-05-2016 |End: 22-05-2016
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Groundbreaking pioneers of contemporary art and science will be this year’s keynote speakers for the international interdisciplinary conference of the Ionian University taking place in Corfu: British Roy Ascott, Australian with Cypriot origin Stelarc, (both winners of "Golden Nica" at Ars Electronica), and Greek astrophysicist Dr Manos Danezis.
Music Therapy Sessions with Xristina Kalliodi
Posted: 23-02-2016 11:46 | Views: 2174
Start: 25-02-2016 |End: 26-02-2016
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Department of Music Studies: Lunchtime Concerts [26/2/2016]
Posted: 22-02-2016 15:13 | Views: 4232
Important Date: 26-02-2016
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4th Summer Piano Institute Corfu [June, 19-26/6/16]
Posted: 08-02-2016 19:06 | Views: 6694
Start: 16-06-2016 |End: 26-06-2016
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Piano Plus Festival welcomes you to the Third Summer Piano Institute for university- age students. Application deadline June 1, 2016.
Department of Music Studies: Seminar and Piano Concert [Ionian Academy, 26/02/16]
Posted: 05-02-2016 13:23 | Views: 4991
Start: 26-02-2016 |End: 29-02-2016
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Participation of the Dept. Music Studies in the Synaxis of the Three Hierarchs [30/1/2016]
Posted: 26-01-2016 09:43 | Views: 9693
Important Date: 30-01-2016
On the occasion of the religious holiday of the Synaxis of the Three Hierarchs it will be celebrated a liturgy at the Holy Apostle Jason and Sosipater Church located in Anemomilos, Corfu Town, at 8:00 a.m., with the participation of the students and professors of the MA with specialization in Byzantine Music from the Department of Music Studies, Faculty of Music and Audiovisual Arts, Ionian (...)
7th International Joseph Haydn Chamber Music Competition 2017
Posted: 25-01-2016 16:59 | Views: 1899
Start: 01-02-2016 |End: 01-09-2016
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In the jubilee year of the University of mdw - Music and Performing Arts Vienna 2017, the International Joseph Haydn Chamber Music Competition will see young string quartets and piano trios from all over the world converge on Vienna to compete artistically for the seventh time. The online-application starts on 1 February 2016. Application Deadline: 1 September 2016.
1st International Balkan Child and Youth Literature Congress 2016
Posted: 13-01-2016 14:59 | Views: 1771
Start: 04-05-2016 |End: 07-05-2016
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The congress (IBCYL-2016) will be held in Trakya university Balkan Congress Centre between 4-7 May, 2016. The theme of the congress is determined as “The Child and Youth Literature for the Culture of Peace”.
Take pARTy in the Museum
Posted: 08-12-2015 19:01 | Views: 3755
Important Date: 10-12-2015
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