AKOYSMATA: Concert series organised by the Electroacoustic Music Research and Applications Laboratory [EPHMEE]

Posted: 03-05-2019 15:40 | Views: 5980
Start: 06-05-2019 |End: 12-05-2019

AKOYSMATA was the general title of the series of concerts we presented at the Athens Concert Hall two years ago (May 2017) and the events that followed at POLYTECHNO. We chose the same title for the Concert series organised by the Electroacoustic Music Research and Applications Laboratory [EPHMEE] in collaboration with the Performative Environments in the Arts Research Laboratory [PEARL] for this year's Audiovisual Festival of the Ionian University (6 to 12 May, 2019), first of all because it is beautiful -- since ancient times; see for ex.: ἄκου-σμα, ατος, τό: Α thing heard, such as music [..] (Henry George Liddell; Robert Scott [1940], A Greek-English Lexicon) and because the basic structure of this week is quite similar to that of two years ago.

This year's program includes two parts distributed in the first and second part of the week respectively, acoustic and live electroacoustic/interactive music as well as audio composition for video.In the first part, 6, 7 and 8 May, six concerts of sonic works are presented in the venue of Ionian Academy (starting hours 18.00 and 19.00) which include compositions of Greek and foreign composers as well as works of undergraduate and postgraduate students and faculty of the electroacoustic music composition and sound design programs of the Music Department and the Department of AudioVisual Arts. In the second part, from 9th to 12th May, concerts with various live electroacoustic music formats are presented by students, teachers, friends and collaborators of the School of Music and Audiovisual Arts of the Ionian University at POLYTECHNO (starting at 21:30), as well as works by postgraduate students of the graduate program in the Arts and Sound Technologies, at the New Fortress.

We have the pleasure of having with us this year two important electro-acoustic music composers and professors on composition from the University of Sheffield, Prof. Adrian Moore and Dr. Adam Stanović, who, in addition to lectures and seminars at the Music Department, will present their works in the concerts of Tuesday 7 and Wednesday 8 May at the Ionian Academy. We have also the pleasure in this festival to have again with us the innovative cellist Mr. Dan Weinstein who will present a program for Cello electronics and digital interaction on Friday 10 May at POLYTECHNO in collaboration with {PEARL} and its Director Prof. Iannis Zannos.

Detailed program: https://users.ionio.gr/~amlists/AKOUSMATA2/program.html

For the organising group: Andreas Mniestris

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