Audiovisual Arts Festival 2010

Posted: 30-05-2010 14:50 | Views: 3548
Start: 26-05-2010 |End: 31-05-2010
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The Department of Audio and Visual Arts New window and the Department of Music Studies New window (Electroacoustic Music Research and Applications Lab, EMRAL) of the Ionian University, are organizing the Festival of Audiovisual Arts 2010.

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Featuring a series of artistic, educational and research activities, the festival will be presenting the results of the educational and research work of both Departments in the field of the modern arts of sound and vision. At the same time, there will be an ongoing discussion of issues and questions concerning the relation between Art and audiovisual technologies, such as:

  • What are the potential new forms of artistic expression provided by new technologies?
  • Which new techniques of artistic creation arise from the use of these technologies?
  • How can these new techniques be taught?
  • How does digital technology accessibility affect the creative process, as well as the individual’s partaking in contemporary arts?
  • Could the use of new technologies in arts pave new ways towards approaching sciences and culture in general?

The festival is organized in the ambit of the Ambient Creativity New window European Programme, in which participate the ACROE Research Centre of the Polytechnic School of Grenoble and the Art and Media Technology Centre of Karlsruhe (ΖΚΜ), along with the Ionian University. Distinguished artists and researchers from Greek and foreign research centres and academic institutions, professors and students of the Ionian University, as well as graduates of the Postgraduate Studies Programme of the Music Studies Department on Audio Arts and Technologies will be attending and contributing to the various activities and events.

The festival is scheduled May 26, Wednesday morning, to May 31, Monday.

Event Locations:

  • Department of Audio and Visual Arts, 7 Tsirigotis square
  • Department of Music Studies, Corfu old fortress
  • Ionian Academy, Kapodistriou 1
  • Municipal Art Gallery of Corfu, Palace of St Michael and George
  • Ναός Αγ. Γεωργίου, Corfu old fortress
  • Alevrapothikes, Corfu old fortress
  • Ambelonas Club, Triklino

Department sites and related link list:

Festival Poster

Enlarge Festival 2010 poster
Artwork: Manolis Ioannidis, student of the Department of Audio and Visual Arts
Enlarge :: Download

The attached compressed folder contains the press release, the conference program, the festival program and the poster of the Festival (content in Greek language).

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