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Library tips: When to save in the Turnitin repository?
Posted: 03-02-2021 09:14 | Views: 13167
Online lecture "The illustration of prints in 19th century in Greece: relations between typography and engraving"
Posted: 01-02-2021 13:41 | Views: 12378
Important Date: 11-02-2021
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gr  pdf.png  Poster
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Ionian Contemporary Animation Festival ICONA 2020
Posted: 11-09-2020 21:28 | Views: 10357
Start: 11-09-2020 |End: 15-10-2020
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    ICONA 2020 - Statuses and Rules
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The aim of the Ionian Contemporary Animation Festival ICONA 2020 is to present the best from the field of animation from all around the world. The festival also aims to preserve and help develop the cultural heritage of animated film, contribute to creation of new films, provide ground for potential international co-productions and encourages dialogue between professionals, filmmakers and the public.
CANCELLED - 3rd International Conference Digital Culture & AudioVisual Challenges [DCAC-2020] - Proposals submission extended deadline: 18/03/2020
Posted: 20-01-2020 17:06 | Updated: 17-03-2020 01:14 | Views: 35064
Start: 20-01-2020 |End: 18-03-2020
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    DCAC-2020 Call for Papers
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The 3rd International Conference on Digital Culture & AudioVisual Challenges will be held in Corfu (Greece), May 15-16, 2020, hosted by the Department of Audio & Visual Arts (Ionian University). Extended deadline for submission of proposals: 18 March, 2020. CANCELLED - See also:
Modern Greek Music: History and Historiography Issues [Corfu, 13-15 March 2020]
Posted: 12-04-2019 11:35 | Updated: 04-03-2020 00:01 | Views: 12867
Start: 13-03-2020 |End: 15-03-2020
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gr  pdf.png  Full text announcement
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On the occasion of the 50th anniversary of the death of Spyros Motsenigos and attempting to highlight the thorough research in the field of Modern Greek Music, the Laboratory of Greek Music of the Department of Music Studies at Ionian University and the Philharmonic Society of Corfu co-organize the scientific conference "Modern Greek Music: History and Historiography Issues" in Corfu from 13 to 15 March 2020. The deadline for the submission of proposals is 1 December 2019.
AVARTS: Multimedia Electronic Opera Performance Project "Salt Itinerary" - 12/02/2020, Ionian Academy, Corfu
Posted: 30-01-2020 16:28 | Views: 9747
Important Date: 12-02-2020
The Department of Audio and Visual Arts hosts the multimedia electronic opera performance project by Miguel and Paula Azguime, "Salt Itinerary", on February 12th 2020, 21:00, at Ionian Academy, Corfu, as part of its cooperation within the EASTN-DC project with scientific coordinator for the Ionian University Mr Ioannis Zannos, Professor of the Department of Audio and Visual Arts.
Animation Festival ICONA [Corfu, 29/11-1/12/2019]
Posted: 28-11-2019 18:14 | Views: 17939
Start: 28-11-2019 |End: 01-12-2019
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    Festival Schedule
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The first Ionian Contemporary Animation Festival ICONA 2019, organized by the Department of Audio and Visual Arts of the Ionian University (within the framework of the CIAK Intereg program) will take place in Corfu from the 29th of November until the 1st of December 2019.
"Literary Week" in the Ionian University
Posted: 06-11-2019 12:38 | Updated: 19-11-2019 00:04 | Views: 8508
Start: 18-11-2019 |End: 23-11-2019
A series of events promoting and disseminating results within the framework of the "Park of Literary Travels in Greece and Magna Graecia - POLYSEMI" project.
Festival and Jazz Academy: Corfu Jazz World 2019 - 11-14/10/2019
Posted: 07-10-2019 00:03 | Updated: 10-10-2019 14:44 | Views: 11535
Start: 11-10-2019 |End: 14-10-2019
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    Corfu Jazz World Poster
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    Corfu Jazz World Flyer
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The City of Corfu, Ionian University and the Corfiot Events Organization present "Corfu Jazz World 2019” an international jazz festival and jazz academy with concerts and seminars by international artistsRiccardo Del Fra, Jay Clayton, Eric Ineke, David Lynch, Stavros Lantsias, Lefteris Kordis-Edmar Colon duo, Next Step Quartet and Flying Jazz. Official Website:
Laboratory of Electroacoustic Music Research & Applications & Music Education and Music Psychology Group: The Soundscape we live in [24-29/6/2019]
Posted: 18-06-2019 14:09 | Updated: 25-06-2019 17:21 | Views: 12384
Start: 24-06-2019 |End: 29-06-2019
The Laboratory of Electroacoustic Music Research & Applications [EPHMEE] and the Music Education and Music Psychology Group of the Music Department of Ionian University lend their ears to the Sound Environment and propose a series of educational, research and artistic activities, the last week of June, dedicated to the Soundscape we live in.
Department of Music Studies: Filip Jers Quartet, Concert and Seminar - Ionian Academy May 29th 2019
Posted: 28-05-2019 15:28 | Views: 8094
Important Date: 29-05-2019
Filip Jers Quartet from Sweden begins their summer tour of Greece in Corfu at the Ionian Academy. The group will also offer a jazz seminar for students of the Music Department and interested musicians. Concert: Ionian Academy May 29th 2019 20.30 Free entrance. Seminar: Ionian Academy May 29th 2019 17.00.
13th Audiovisual Arts Festival [6-12 May 2019, Corfu]
Posted: 02-05-2019 16:38 | Updated: 09-05-2019 08:46 | Views: 12898
Start: 06-05-2019 |End: 12-05-2019
The two departments of the Faculty of Music and Audiovisual Arts, the Department of Audio and Visual Arts (AVARTS) and the Department of Music Studies (Electroacoustic Music Research and Applications Lab, EPHMEE) of the Ionian University join once again forces in order to organize the 13th annual Audiovisual Arts Festival, held from May 6 το May 12, 2019, in Corfu. Official website:
AKOYSMATA: Concert series organised by the Electroacoustic Music Research and Applications Laboratory [EPHMEE]
Posted: 03-05-2019 15:40 | Views: 6015
Start: 06-05-2019 |End: 12-05-2019
AKOYSMATA is the general title for the Concert series organised by the Electroacoustic Music Research and Applications Laboratory [EPHMEE] in collaboration with the Performative Environments in the Arts Research Laboratory [PEARL] for this year's Audiovisual Festival of the Ionian University (6 to 12 May, 2019).
Opera and the Greek World during the 19th Century
Posted: 12-04-2016 12:16 | Updated: 18-04-2019 14:09 | Views: 20726
Start: 17-11-2017 |End: 19-11-2017
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    Conference Timetable
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Opera and the Greek World during Nineteenth Century. International Conference in Corfu, Greece, 17-19 November 2017.
Digital Culture & AudioVisual Challenges [DCAC-2018, June, 1-2 2018, Corfu, Greece]
Posted: 07-02-2018 16:39 | Updated: 17-10-2018 14:07 | Views: 31157
Start: 01-06-2018 |End: 02-06-2018
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en  pdf.png  Conference DCAC 2018 Schedule v7.2
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The International Conference on Digital Culture & AudioVisual Challenges was hold in Corfu (Greece) June 1st-2nd 2018, and was hosted by the Department of Audio & Visual Arts (Ionian University). Keynote speaker: Maurice Benayoun. New full text submission deadline: October 15, 2018.
Seminar: The music technology in education [27/10/18]
Posted: 15-10-2018 16:20 | Views: 3059
Important Date: 27-10-2018
Seminar by Dan Weinstein (02-03/10/2018)
Posted: 01-10-2018 12:03 | Views: 1967
Start: 02-10-2018 |End: 03-10-2018
10th Interdisciplinary Conference of Musicology (26th-28th of October 2018, Corfu, Greece)
Posted: 01-02-2018 13:33 | Updated: 03-09-2018 11:06 | Views: 10999
Start: 01-02-2018 |End: 28-10-2018
10ο Διατμηματικό Μουσικολογικό Συνέδριο (26-28 Οκτωβρίου 2018, Κέρκυρα)
Aqua Jazz Athens [9-12/7/18]
Posted: 04-07-2018 15:07 | Views: 4272
Start: 09-07-2018 |End: 12-07-2018
The global musical culture of Jazz meets the traditions of the Mediterranean. The Athens Festival hosts a four-day musical platform organized by the Athens Conservatory and the Ionian University Jazz Program in collaboration with the Berklee Global Jazz Institute.
The Summer Piano Institute - Corfu, June 18-24, 2018
Posted: 22-05-2018 11:17 | Updated: 18-06-2018 11:03 | Views: 6273
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    Festival poster
Size: 2.02 MB :: Type: PDF document
Piano Plus Festival welcomes you to the sixth Summer Piano Institute for conservatory, college and university students, with a rich event program open to the public.
12th Audiovisual Arts Festival: SOTTOVOCE - Concerts of electro-acoustic music [Ionian Parliament, 29-30/5,1-2/6/2018]
Posted: 31-05-2018 14:54 | Views: 5820
Start: 29-05-2018 |End: 02-06-2018
The two departments of the Faculty of Music and Audiovisual Arts, the Department of Audio and Visual Arts (AVARTS) and the Department of Music Studies (Electroacoustic Music Research and Applications Lab, EPHMEE) of the Ionian University join once again forces in order to organize the 12th annual Audiovisual Arts Festival, held from May 28 το June 10, 2018, in Corfu. During the Festival, Sottovocce will take place on 29-30/5, 1-2/6/2018 at Ionian Vouli.
12ο Audiovisual Arts Festival [May 28th - June 10th, 2018, Corfu]
Posted: 06-03-2018 17:35 | Updated: 25-05-2018 18:02 | Views: 11314
Start: 29-05-2018 |End: 10-06-2018
For the 12th consecutive year the Audiovisual Arts Festival will take place in Corfu from Monday, May 28th to Sunday 10th June. The program is co-organized by the Department of Audio & Visual Arts and the Department of Music Studies of the Ionian University, incorporating a wide variety of educational and artistic activities.
Seminar by Nikos Ordoulidis [18/5/18]
Posted: 02-05-2018 12:09 | Updated: 15-05-2018 14:58 | Views: 5952
Important Date: 18-05-2018
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